Fast & Reliable Parcel Tracking

Track your shipments easily and get real-time updates on your parcels.
We ensure your packages are always in safe hands.

Parcel Tracking

Track Your Parcel

Enter your booking number below to get the current status of your shipment.

About Us

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Our Mission

We aim to provide the fastest and most reliable parcel tracking service in the industry, ensuring your packages are always in good hands.

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Our Vision

To be the leading global provider of logistics and parcel tracking solutions, connecting people and businesses with seamless delivery experiences.

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Our Values

We believe in transparency, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Our team is dedicated to making sure your parcels arrive safely and on time.

Contact Us

Got a technical issue? Need details about our Business plan? Let us know.

Contact Details

  • Address: Thamel Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Phone: +977-1-5350337 / +977-1-5316559
  • Email: [email protected]